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Welcome To My Home Page
Hello and welcome. Most of you know me as Steph or Stephanie. I am an ADMN in the canasta league TIGERS. There are so many wonderful people in this league that always know how to put a smile on my face and make me laugh when my day is not going well or I'm just feeling rotten. The Tigers have helped me in more ways than any of you could ever know and for that I thank you. I'm not only making this site for uploads and things like that, but also as a tribute to the Tigers and what you all mean to me. Love you all.
Some More About Me And My Family
I'm 29 years old, live in Point Pleasant, WV with my boyfriend, my daughter, and my teddybear hamster. My daughter, Nikki,  is 9 years old and will be 10 in April.   They grow up too fast. I use to be a truck driver until an injury while on the job prevented me from going back.  I love teddybears, playing canasta, and spending time with all of you. This page isn't just for me, it's for all of you as well. If you want to see something put on here, let me know.


I would like to thank Dee for helping me out so much these past few months.  Without you, Dee, I don't think I could deal with things that have happened within the league and out.  You've always been there for me when I've needed to vent and when I was in the hospital.  People need to realize that even though this is just a computer, and people may come and go, friendships like ours last forever.  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!

The above is my email address. Feel free to email me about anything that you would like to see on my page or just anything in general.

This website is a work in progress.  Please feel free to use anything I have on the site.  A bit of bad news though, you can't link directly to this site.  If you do whatever you have chosen to use will NOT show up.  Save it to your hard drive and use it that way.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  I'm hoping to be able to start a new website soon now that I am getting the hang of all this HTML stuff.  When I get something else set up that you can direct link to I will let you know. 

That's my baby and my sweetie!!! I love you both.